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Copyright, Fair Use, Creative Commons, Public Domain

CC Search is a general search tool for creations that have Creative Commons licenses.  You will also find quite a few public domain creations, as well.

Below is a list of sites with CC, public domain, and other usable images.

NOTE: Unless a creation is explicitly in the public domain (or CC 0), you must always acknowledge the creator and license, linking to the item, to the creator if possible (link to a creator's Flikr page, for example), and to the specific license used.

Below is a list of sites with CC, public domain, and other usable music.

NOTE: Unless a creation is explicitly in the public domain, you must always acknowledge the creator and license.  It is also a good practice to acknowledge where you got it.

Below is a list of sites with CC, public domain, or other usable videos.

NOTE: Unless a creation is explicitly in the public domain, you must always acknowledge the creator and license.  It is also a good practice to acknowledge where you got it.

There are two ways to find CC videos in YouTube.  You can add a comma and "creativecommons," no space, after your terms: ex. dubstep,creativecommons

The second is to filter for it, shown in the video below:

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