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Collection assessment: Introduction


The O’Grady Library’s book collection faces challenges of aging, poor physical condition, and material inaccuracies. In collaboration with university faculty, the librarians are launching a multi-year project to assess the collection for retention, replacement, removal, as well as targeting new materials for purchase across the entire print collection. Loosely framed by the CREW manual for weeding in libraries and recommendations from the American Library Association, the librarians will rely on faculty feedback to aid in making decisions with the ultimate goal of creating a well-rounded and up-to-date collection to better serve our student and faculty populations.

The "Bad Books" Shelf

These are examples of books from the O'Grady Library shelves that do not fit MUSTIE guidelines. MUSTIE is a set of criteria to assess materials for removal, replacement, or retention. All photographed books fall into one or more of these categories.


Examples: Photographs and Titles

Title List

Accountant's Guide to the Internet (1997)

Modern Philosophies of Education (1950)

Interval training : conditioning for sports and general fitness (1974)

Management Relations with Organized Public Employees : theory, policies, programs (1963)

Divorce  : a social interpretation (1931)

The Computer Age : a twenty-year view (1979)

A History of the Care and Study of the mentally retarded (1964)

The Technology of Computer Music (1969)

Getting the Word Out : a practical guide to AIDS materials development (1990)

Experimental Chemistry (1900)

Essentials of Psychological Testing (1969)

Hoover's Handbook of World Business (1992)

How to Conduct Surveys : a step-by-step guide (1985)

AutoCAD for Mechanical Engineers and Designers (1995)

Blood-drenched Altars : Mexican study and comment (1935)

Malaria et chininum [Latin] (1927)

The Pre-Med Handbook (1986)

Oriental Despotism : a comparative study of total power (1957)

Primitive Song (1963)

Theory of steel-concrete arches, and of vaulted structures (1906)


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