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Research Quest

Session 1

The Attack! 

Rank: Page

A great disaster has taken place in the kingdom!  The hideous dragon Ignouraemus has flown in from the Wastelands of the North and is attacking towns and villages all around the country, stealing people's knowledge.

The recently democratically elected King Aurthur (no scimitars lobbed by moistened binks in this story) has called all of the brave knights to the Round Table and given them a charge to find the Holy Grails of Knowledge so that the townspeople and villagers all around the kingdom can become smart again.  No one is quite sure where the Grails can be found, but a wise peasant named Vinnie says he knows they are beyond the Eastern Plains, behind the rising sun (modern astronomy has not been discovered yet).


King Aurthur's knights have gathered at the Round Table to plan their quest and you are among their ranks as a page, the first step in earning knighthood.  Even though you are not yet a knight yourself, you have been invited to participate in this noble quest.  The king has guaranteed you that you will be made a knight if you help solve this difficult situation.

Images from Europeana, public domain

Just like the brave knights, when we perform research we have have to go through some planning to be successful.  When we start any research project, we begin with a topic, a general idea of what we intend to learn about.  At the beginning, we may not know exactly what we want to say about the topic.  And that's where research comes in.  We learn about the topic as we research it.  To do this effectively, we need to take some planning steps, including:

  • Establishing our topics
  • Assessing our present level of knowledge about it
  • Formulating research questions
  • Generating keywords for searching
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