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*Social Sciences: Statistical sources

Statistical library databases

Locating data & statistical sources

Data & statistics on a wide variety of issues of concern to the field of Social Work are gathered by government and non-governmental agencies, as well as academic researchers. 

Much, but not all,  of this information is made available online. Crafting effective Google searches can help you find it. Here are a few helpful steps:

  • Brainstorm your keywords (e.g., "child poverty", "foster care")
  • Limit your search results by domain by adding "" or "" 

A sample searches might be:

"child poverty rates" site:gov
"foster care" education

  • As you go through the sites within your results look for terms like "Research" or "Library", this is often where the agency or organization posts their statistical or data resources.
  • If your result takes you in to a specific page, look for links to research studies
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